TICKETS $25 $20 - ALL AGES Charlie Brown III - keys Cory Limuaco - drums Noah Simpson - trumpet Sam Arnold - bass It's a Disney Tribute night with Charlie Brown II! What could possibly be any better than that??!! Musical director, producer, and keyboardist, Charlie Brown III is a creative whose skillset varies across the board. With a background in Jazz and Church, Brown takes Piano/Keyboards by a genre-less storm. Brown gained wider prominence after producing for and sharpening his production skills with Portland-Born Rapper Aminé. Brown has been collaborating and touring internationally with bass-phenom MonoNeon, and producing and performing for dozens of acts around the states, including projects of his very own like co-leading The Brown Branch Jazz Orchestra, and directing Greaterkind. Always looking to push the envelope and boundaries of our music, Brown does so through his unique ability to create worlds of creation spontaneously and on the spot.