Machado Mijiga's "Atlas"

Thu, Jan 23

No longer on sale

No longer on sale

Machado Mijiga's "Atlas" Cover

TICKETS $25 $20 - ALL AGES The year was 2015. In anticipation of some delicious curry stew, a 3-hour jam occurred on the porch of reggae/afrobeat singer Simba Tirima in Moscow, Idaho, the proggy jazzy, folksy 3-piece “@tlas,” was formed by Ben Walden, Machado Mijiga, and Ben Swanson— an off-shoot of the then-popular local reggae/afrobeat band: Simba and the Exception Africans (where Mijiga and Swanson played sax and trombone respectively) Fast-forward nine years, three bassists, and two albums later, and @tlas has since relocated to Portland and gained the eclectic and wildly talented Matthew Holmes on bass and vocals. @tlas is an opportunity to explore the sonic possibilities of a “garage band”— DIY collaborative songwriting covering a wide range of genres, modes of expressivity, and varying degrees of improvisation/structure across all songs. @tlas is named thusly because they take the listener many places; @tlas is a collection of musical souls, waiting to be picked up off of the listener’s bookshelf, discovering uncharted territory, and putting language and meaning to the abstract and unknown.